InKoinoniabyJulie RansonQuality Posts and the 30-second RuleHow to keep a reader on your pageAug 15, 202312Aug 15, 202312
InKoinoniabyJulie RansonConnect with Koinonia on August 12Meet with editors and writers to discuss writing about faithAug 9, 20234Aug 9, 20234
InILLUMINATIONbyJulie RansonWhen AI and Creativity MeetIs this union even possible?Apr 12, 202317Apr 12, 202317
InKoinoniabyJulie RansonKoinonia Wrap Up — December 2022Could your story stats make you a better writer?Jan 3, 20232Jan 3, 20232
InKoinoniabyJulie RansonKoinonia Wrap Up — February 2023Earning more $$ on Medium & steps to enter the Partner ProgramFeb 14, 20236Feb 14, 20236
InKoinoniabyJulie RansonKoinonia Wrap Up 2— February 2023Part 2 for February — How can you find more Medium readers?Feb 24, 20233Feb 24, 20233
InKoinoniabyJulie RansonJanuary 2023 Scripture PromptUse Koinonia’s monthly prompts to meet your new year writing goalsJan 2, 20231Jan 2, 20231
InKoinoniabyJulie RansonFresh Start in the New Year? Or Something Else?Koinonia Word Prompt #3: FreshJan 2, 20235Jan 2, 20235
InKoinoniabyJulie RansonNaNoWriMo Challenge to Koinonia Writers#nanowrimo #amwriting No Novel Required!Oct 26, 20224Oct 26, 20224
InKoinoniabyJulie RansonWhat Would You Write about Being Thankful?Koinonia Word Prompt #1: Thanksgiving or GratitudeNov 1, 2022Nov 1, 2022
InKoinoniabyJulie RansonHmm… What to Write AboutTips to find fantastic nuggets to inspire your next great postNov 2, 20226Nov 2, 20226
InKoinoniabyJulie RansonKoinonia Writing Wrap-up — SeptemberMonthly encouragement to enhance your writingOct 1, 20224Oct 1, 20224
InAbout Me StoriesbyJulie RansonAbout Me — Julie RansonA late bloomer in the writing spaceJul 1, 202263Jul 1, 202263
Sherryl Clark - writer, editor, poet.More Redundancies And Overwriting That Will Kill the Reading Experience for Your AudienceGetting rid of these will tighten your writing and improve pacing as wellMay 27, 20223May 27, 20223
InKoinoniabyJulie RansonWhen’s the Last Time You Considered a Writing Course?You may not need one, but…May 13, 20227May 13, 20227
InKoinoniabyJulie RansonAttract Readers with Your ‘About’ PageA new Medium feature you should edit and customizeMar 1, 20226Mar 1, 20226
InCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgebyJulie RansonI’ll Have Time for ThatRetirement #1Mar 1, 202211Mar 1, 202211
InCrow’s Feet: Life As We AgebyJulie Ranson2022 Will be Perfectly ImperfectA plan for life, writing, reading, and learningFeb 15, 202213Feb 15, 202213
InThe Daily Cuppa GrandebyJulie Has a Content Planner!Content planning just got more interestingJan 3, 20224Jan 3, 20224